Thursday, 17 December 2009

Minutes for Seventh group meeting

General filming Discussions

Group members present: Elena Christodoulou, Natalie Michael and Natalie Nicolaides

Tuesday 15th December 2009

Start Time: 10.57
  • Organising next filming date for trailer
  • Discussed why our last filming date was not as successful as hoped due to lack of planning and preperation
  • Organise a filming date that everyone can meet
  • Oraganise a editing date that everyone can meet
  • Discussed website plan ( what is done what needs to be done and how)
  • Discussed blog entries ( both individual and group blog)
  • How blog entries can be more effective

Written by Natalie Nicolaides

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Reflection on Focus Group

As a group we completed our final focus group. This was more successful than our pilot focus group, however, it wasn't as useful as we had hoped. Our group consisted of about 5 people aged between 17 and 18. They were of both genders. We chose this age group as they are our primary target audience. We began by giving them our pitch, followed by our treatment, then an outline of our trailer and the main points of our website. We then asked them some questions. These were (including the majority of responses);
  • Does the different approach we have, in terms of the trailer being based on one individual character and storyline, affect your perception of our soap?
    - no, it makes you want to watch it more, it wont confuse the audience
  • Does the trailer sound like a typical soap opera trailer, would you be inclined to watch this soap over another, already existing trailer?
    - it sounds more like a drama
  • With the time of the soap being 8pm, Tuesday to Thursday, would you watch this?
    - yes
  • How does the fact that we have a huge storyline in our first episode affect you?
    - it gets straight to the point
  • Are there any other comments regarding our soap?
    - no

The responses we got were not as useful as we had hoped. We are planning on re-doing this activity with a different group of people.